Welcome to my office. Please take a seat...
My name is Capt. Joshua Galloway. Okay, in reality the "captain" part means nothing, but I have enjoyed Star Trek ever since The Next Generation aired and became madly interested in the ships and technologies of Star Trek after reading my first book "Rogue Saucer," which is still my favorite. For some reason I have taken on myself to write a bit of stuff on Star Trek in technology and a basic story (which I am taking an eternity to finish). I have a large collection of Star Trek ship models and have watched every episode of every genre multiple times...kinda sad actually.
My first version of this site was upped in 2001 if I do remember correctly. Well not really my first version...the site was written by my brother Jedediah Galloway, and it was strictly for selling Star Trek stuff. Soon after though I entered college, and I my first redo of the site was for the final project for HTML. I then redid the site in 2006 in a junble of imbeded frames and attempted to start adding information to the site. A year later, I started my first full-time job and the site fell by the wayside.V3 as you might call it is what you see today. It has been streamlined to mainly be act as a digital resume (see link below) and a place for me to archive my thoughts and ideas.